How to block Google from indexing a website under construction?

With the speed at which things are changing in the world of digital marketing, companies are being forced to redesign their websites more and more frequently. These pages are still essential in most digital strategies today, but a few years may be enough to make them obsolete in terms of the new standards... The problem is that a Website redesign

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SEA tool to perfect your strategy

In today's world of online marketing, companies are constantly looking for new ways to grab customers' attention and promote their products. One of the most effective methods is to use a Advertising Library, which can help you manage and optimize your advertising campaigns on platforms like Google and Facebook. In this article, we explore the benefits of using an advertising

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Discover Google’s AI-powered chatbot

The war of artificial intelligence begins. THE buzz Surrounding ChatGPT-3 since it became available to the general public has acted as a shock absorber within the ecosystem of tech giants. The tool's ability to formulate clear, concise, and structured answers with disconcerting ease, as well as its ability to generate textual content, has prompted OpenIA's competitors to highlight their internal

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Bloggers. a huge advantage for brands

New media brings new uses. Websites and therefore brands are available 24/7.

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Google EAT: What-are-Google’s Evaluation Criteria

Google's objective is simple: to offer its users content that is as

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Google Ads -How to overcome the limitations of intelligent campaigns?

Google Ads has significantly accelerated the delivery of its AI-related capabilities. Disappearance

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How to track a URL with a tag?

In digital marketing, it is crucial to measure the performance of an

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The free tool to optimize your Google Ads campaigns

With the acceleration of digitization of activities in many industries, companies are

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The importance of creating an editorial calendar

Why establish an editorial calendar? In your content marketing strategy, you need

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What is social selling? (Definition, problems and methods)

When it came to the latest news, more than 80% of French

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Web writing. What is it for your SEO?

Web writing is an important profession for any company's website links. Discover

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Maximize Your Business Potential with CRO Strategies

In the digital field, the range of skills is broad. But are

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Google RSA Ads and Responsive Search Ads: Everything You Need to Know!

In order to improve the performance of their advertising campaigns, advertisers are trying to be more relevant to Internet users' expectations. That's why responsive ads, which have been the focus

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