Microdata, JSON-LD and RDFa formats

In the world of SEO, the use of structured data or Keywords, has become essential for improving the visibility of websites in search engines. THE Keywords Structured search engines allow you to better understand the content of a website Effect to improve it Advertisement in the SERPs. L'Tool The key here is to use these tags judiciously Internet users Find

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Website creation. How to find the best developers to build your custom website?

Creating a website becomes a commitment if you want to improve your traffic. To design an ideal website for you, you need to hire a professional developer. To find it, you need to use your network, use a networking platform, define your needs, make a good offer, and have a fluid and well-organized recruitment system. Use your network In this

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Easily create a CV with your LinkedIn data using Fisio

You may know the Fisio CV editor which has been a game changer in the CV creation world for several years now. A small revolution is underway in Fisio. it is now possible to create a complete CV simply by using your LinkedIn profile data. Here is a video demonstration of this feature. Integrating artificial intelligence for CV creation Fisio

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How to reduce your site’s environmental impact?

Reducing environmental impact has become a priority for many companies. To reduce

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4 reasons to entrust your SEA and your SEO to the same partner

SEA or SEO? That is the question. Finally, maybe. Or maybe not…

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WordPress Best Practices: Tips from Top Industry Experts

Whether you're new to WordPress or have been using it for years,

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The key to effective SEO content

In the world of the web, the success of a website largely

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How does a search engine work?

To be successful in the digital age, companies and individuals must understand

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SWACHH SURVEKSHAN – 2017 This year’s SWACHH SURVEKSHAN have a surprise for

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Google Ads -How to overcome the limitations of intelligent campaigns?

Google Ads has significantly accelerated the delivery of its AI-related capabilities. Disappearance

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Website creation. features of e-commerce

The Internet offers many development opportunities for traders. About 35,000 online stores

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How to check if Googlebot is on your website

In SEO, it's not just Google in life. However, with a market

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Different types of influencers and their usefulness

In the world of online marketing, influencers play a crucial role for brands. Indeed, they are able to convey a certain message to the target audience through creative and engaging

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